Friday, April 10, 2009

Our Journey to Japan

Okay, so I am definitely in Japan now!! First off, airports are not actually that difficult to navigate. With that said, on with the story...

The SLC airport was a breeze, except for security where Shelly and I held up the line. But the people there are really nice, so it was okay.

LAX was hard, but mostly because we had to take a shuttle and Shelly thought we were supposed to go one way while the shuttle-man told us a different way. And because we are obviously smarter, we got lost finding our own way, and in the end, found that the shuttle-man was right.

Then we sat for six hours. It was really boring, so we browsed the stores. And watched people. And slept in our chairs outside the terminal.

Finally, we boarded. We were fed really gross noodle things, but there was tons of soda so that was good. I didn't go to the restroom the entire fligth, which is actually quite amazing because the flight to Tokyo was approx. 13 hours. I don't know how I did it.

We watched 3 movies on that flight and slept the rest of the time.

Finally, we were in Japan. Here we were herded to quarantine, which was a breeze. Then immigration. Then customs. And then, security once again. The Tokyo airport is nice because there is only one way to go. There is no chance of getting lost.

We got to our terminal with 30 mins to spare, and sat some more. The flight to Fukuoka was horrifying because Shelly and I did not sit next to eachother. But it was okay. The men on either side of me kept to themselves (aka, slept).

Once in Fukuoka, we got our bags and hailed a taxi. The taxi doors open by themselves, so you should never touch them.

20 mins later, and after asking a few people on the street, we found our way to our dorm. The taxi man was very helpful, even though he spoke no english at all.

Then the dorm lady greeted us and gave us a tour of the dorm. She was really nice too, even though she doesn't speak english either. The other dorm girls are all japanese--they don't speak english--and they think that we're funny looking, but I think it's gonna be okay.

Shelly's and my room are right next to one another.

Figuring out the gadgets in my room was interesting. I can work everything very well except my remote control for the heater/air conditioner and the lamp on my desk. I successfully made my bed, which is harder than it sounds. I am completely unpacked and ready to head out on the rest of today.

Anyway, sorry for being so long/boring!! It's only 7AM here (on Saturday), so I haven't woken Shelly up.

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