Monday, April 20, 2009

2nd Saturday in Japan

Okay, so I have gotten very lazy and haven't posted anything in the past few days. Gomen ne!

On Saturday, Shelly and I spent a long, lazy morning getting ready. It wasn't until 10(ish) that we finally left the dorm. We took the subway to Canal City where we went shopping. I bought some studio ghibli totoro slippers (now I can finally give the dorm lady back the slippers she lent me). Canal city is known as "the city within the city," but is really just a shopping district. It's not as big as people make it out to be, but the mall/building has many floors.

There are all kinds of stores from region gift shops to clothes to restaurants or every kind (chinese, mexican, traditional japanese, KFC, Wendy's, Dipper Dan's). We accidentally ordered grapefruit icecream (Shelly said grape, register Dipper Dan girl heard grape, other ice ceam scooper Dipper Dan girl heard grapefruit).

Basically we spent the day shopping, without actually buying anything. Apparently there was some sort of spring celebration going on so many stores were having sales. We also watched a magic/pantomime act and listened to a few local bands.

Through our existance in Canal City were drew lots of attention, some say kiree (pretty) others say gaijin (foreigner), instilled fear in children and were defeated by a door (it was locked, you're supposed to use the other door). We had unadon for lunch and had a bunch of boys say "hi" and attempt to introduce themselves in english.

Then we went to a park that was nearby where we met Karim. He's french and wantd Shelly and I to visit him one day in Paris. He spoke with us until his friend (also called Karim) arrived. While at the park we witnessed the awesome phenomenon of a hand-stand while peeing chihuahua. One leg was not enough.

At 4ish we escaped the frenchmen and got home just in time for dinner. Chicken with some weird sauce (whose name escapes me at the moment) and of course, rice. We also had some strawberries.

After all that we had a very lazy evening and that is where I'm going to leave off. You see, it's almost 11 and that is one of the latest times I have eve stayed up here. Plus I'm gonna have a busy morning. I still have to do tomorrow's homework and take a shower. Anyway, bye for now. I will catch you up later. ^^

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