Saturday, April 25, 2009

2nd Week in Japan (pt. 3)

Thursday was a really long day (or so it seemed). Shelly and I really wanted to buy some yukata, so during our 1 hour lunch break, we did just that. I bought a light pink yukata with light purple and bright pink flowers with a matching obi (one side of the obi is neon pink, the other side is dark purple). Shelly got a white yukata with light blue, dark yellow, light pink and light green flowers. She has a matching yellow/green obi. But we didn't get geta there because they were too expensive.

We went to Claire's (yes they have Claire's here...) and got some accessories for our yukata. I got a bright red flower thing and Shelly bought a daisy flower thingy. They're perfect for our yukata.

We got to school just in time for class. After class we talked to Mai-san who knew of an even cheaper yukata store that sold you the yukata, obi and geta in a package deal, but first we had to get through culture class.

Culture class was a maid cafe (which only boys go to), but first we stopped at a Johnny store. Johnny's is a store where you buy the pics of hot japanese guys. It was really awkward going there (mostly cause I had no idea who any of the guys were) and the japanese girls that were there thought we were hilarious. Shelly bought a Johnny's calendar for Sara's omiyage (gift) so she had to carry around a huge, bright yellow Johnny's bag.

At the maid cafe, you have to call you're waittress with a bell. The waitresses wear french maid outfits and have special maid nicknames, they also speak in really high voices. Maki-san (our culture class planner/chappereon) made us ask our waitress at least one question. I asked how she made her voice so cute (she said that it was natural and that she only had one other voice--her angry one).

While we were there, the whole rest of the school showed up (picture 20+ foreigners in the cafe that holds less than 30 people). After they showed up, most of the other customers left.

When that was over, we went to the super cheap yukata store where I bought some geta and Shelly bought a whole new yukata set (this one is dark purple with yellow flowers and pink cherries).

After that, we went shopping for tabi (only later did we learn that you don't wear socks with yukata).

On friday, we had to pinky-promise our sensei that we would study. It was embarrassing, but she does have a point. We haven't studied at all (so far).

I think that we continued our yukata shopping after school, but I can't really remember. We were going to do Okonomiyaki with the ward, but then we realized that we didn't know where it was. So we stayed home. Later, Atsuko called to tell us that the time/place had been changed so it was good that we didn't try to find it.

On saturday we went back to Canal City where I bought some presents. The Pokemon shop there is amazing. It's definitely something you should see at least once in your life.

Then we came home and took a 3 hour nap. After that, we had a picnic at the park--but it was really cold so we didn't stay long. We bought some more hot chocolate and some sugar on the way home. Took a cold shower (all the hot water was gone) and went to bed.

So far today, we have gotten really cute and gone to church. It was stake conference so curry was served after church. The little primary girls invited us to come sit with them on the little chairs, but we decided to eat with the big people. There we tasted pickled things that you put on your curry. I actually like the weird skin colored ones better than the little red ones.

The people around us asked us about the kinds of food we liked and were surprised that we like unagi (eel), sushi, red beans (although I don't really like them in donuts), fish in general, umeboshi (pickled plums are pretty good in moderation), the weird curry pickles... The only thing that they asked us about that we didn't like was natto (fermented beans) and we haven't actually tried that. One guy commented that we were definitely nihonjin (japanese). It was pretty funny.

We also set up a date to try on kimono, there's a professional kimono lady that really wants to dress us up. We're going to meet at the church on friday at one (which means that we'll have to skip the second half of class, but it's just review, so it'll prolly be okay). We don't speak very good japanese though, so we have to have a translator to help us.

Tonight we are going to the bishop's son's mission going away party. For whatever reason, we were also invited. I'm excited, but feel kinda awkward. The ward is including us in everything that they're doing even though we're leaving in less than 2 weeks.

But, that's it for now. Sorry for taking so long with this update.

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