Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hello World

I have recently inspired by one of the blogs I follow to "jump start" my blogging. Or in my case, restart it. I looked at the suggestions, and have decided to disregard all of them because they seem boring. BUT I will be posting more often. Hopefully. For sure. Yeah, for sure. April I went to graduation. Lot's of my other friends were there. I went home in June, helped my fam move to Vegas, and got back to School in mid-July. Fall semester has just begun. I"m taking 18 credits. Actually, that has a kind of funny story.

I have been going back and forth on getting a PSYC minor and I keep deciding against it and then thinking about it again. So, in a mad rush on Thursday, I decided to add Developmental Psyc. On friday I begged the teacher, and SUCCESS! I'm in. I had to have my adviser approve it though. She counted up my credits and remarked that 18 was a very full load. I gave her one of those two-thumbs-up-smiling-I-can-do it grins and exclaimed, "I'm excited!!" She laughed. So 18 credits and 19-hour work week. I really am stoked.

I have a new roommate. She's from Washington. I really, really, really like her. I just joined TESOL Society, Mongolian, and Tahitian Club (I will learn that dance, dang it!).

Now I'm going to the beach. It's only just above 70 outside, so it's a bit chilly. Hopefully it warms up. To the last day of relaxation!! :)

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