Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fall Semester

Alrighty, it would appear that what began as an almost daily activity has become sort of a monthly special. This is mostly due to the fact that I do the same things every day. Maybe I'll take up some sort of hobby just so that I can entertain you guys...but then again, probably not.

So, my job is still going well. I really enjoy the people that I work with and I've finally begun to feel like I'm not completely useless. That has been my biggest beef with this new job--trying to do something to make my presence in the office worthwhile. I hate feeling like I'm stealing people's money. So this week I spent most of the allowed 19 hours setting up the online grading system and getting everyone's assignments online. I'm fairly familiar with how the program works now, so it's surprising to me when my other teachers in different departments aren't using it.

You cannot believe how frustrated I felt when I realized that the majority of my new classes don't post anything at all online. I wanted to get on there, find all of the course syllabi, print them and take them to my new classes today. Unfortunately, only two of my six classes have anything online yet.

Anyway, I did well in my First Term classes, better than I had done during Summer term. Either I'm getting a hang of this new college thing, or I just got smarter at picking classes. I think that it's probably a mix of both.

This semester will be my first semester here. I was feeling so proud of myself for going to college and getting good grades and then suddenly I realized something. The two terms that I just finished (when combined) are equal to one semester. That means that this semester is going to be 3 months long. I've been here for 3 months. And let me tell you, those 3 months seem to have started forever ago. How am I ever going to survive?

My classes include Japanese 101, English 201, History 201, Psychology 111, Book of Mormon 121 and Self Defense. After this term I will have close to no GE requirements left and will therefore be able to focus solely on my major once Winter starts. So this is the last semester that I will take that will feel like high school, after this it'll all be business. I'm really excited.

I have officially found my (semi)permanent ward. After a ton of confusion (which was completely out of my control), I have finally settled into the 8th ward here at BYUH. I had originally thought that I was supposed to be in the 8th ward, however after being told twice that I was actually in the 7th ward, I gave in. A few weeks later, 8th ward demanded me back. The very day I came back to 8th ward, they gave me a new calling as Visiting Teaching Coordinator. I find this calling a little bit frightening as I've never actually had a visiting teacher before...(I'm beginning to think that the wards here are incredibly disorganized. I've been here for 3 months and I've had neither visiting teachers or home teachers.)

In addition to my ward calling, this Sunday I'm going to be giving a talk, please wish me luck. I think that the last time I gave a talk I was about 14 years old. But then again, maybe I'll just mess it up so badly that they never ask me to do it again. haha

I went to FHE on Monday and had a fabulous time. We played dodgeball for about an hour (way too long if you ask me), but I was with my friends so it was actually pretty fun. The ward is huge now, so tons of people showed up. So many, in fact, that when we were finally ready for refreshments, there weren't enough plates. So the girls paired up with one another for a plate to share, while the guys had to share the two icecream buckets. Sometimes, one really has to appreciate being born a girl.

Anyway, while I'm happy with the classes that I'll be taking this semester, I'm even more happy that I'll get a chance to go home this Christmas. It'll be nice to be in Utah again, even though it snows there!!

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