Saturday, August 8, 2009

First Term

It has been exactly 2 months since my first class started here at BYUH. It has also been 2 weeks since my 2nd term started. Now that's a lot of twos.

Anyway, I have my brand-new classes and I really like all of them. I also finally started my job. Yay! Yesterday I even got my first paycheck!! This is the first time I've gotten paid since April...that is a long time to go without getting paid. I'm a teacher's aid...

So far I have set up the online coursework for the classes Teacher Dude will teach during Fall Semester, I have formatted a ton of his old assignments and finished up designing a powerpoint presentation for him. Lately, I have been helping him transcribe the scribbles that he writes all over his papers into a word document. I've just got to thank my dad for that one, without his horrible handwriting I wouldn't have the right skills for that last job. :)

I like having a busy schedule, but at the same time I don't like that I don't have any free time until at least 4 pm, and usually 5 pm. I am busy all day, and once I do have time to myself its time for dinner and then homework. Not that I have very much homework this term.

My Biology teacher is from Africa, but spent 7 years in France. This means that he has a mix of a French and African accent. Usually I can understand everything he says, but whenever he cracks a joke I am always confused! Its like I can only understand him when he's speaking about Biology, anything else and I have no clue to what he means. However, I think that this experience is good and I actually picked this teacher because of his accent (and the fact that his class started so early in the morning). What makes it even better is that he gives very little homework and his tests are multiple choice.

English is not my favorite class because it is too easy and because all the students there are fresh out of high school. Some of the people in this class remind me why I was so excited to leave high school. It is, however, easier to relate to the other students in this class than in my other classes. I have found way more friends here than anywhere else.

D&C is interesting, but we don't really have a structured system for learning the material. We basically spend the 2 hours of class time asking questions. Strangely enough, there never seems to be a lack of questions and we always ask someone to save their question until next time.

Today I will be working with my friends (both from Singapore) on our Biology Presentation. We'll be doing it on the effects of humans on the environment. It only has to be 10 minutes, so it shouldn't take too long, right?

So, even though it's Saturday, I'm not really doing anything "fun." But like having a day to relax. This new schedule is exhausting! I can't wait until I finally get used to it.

But, that's all for now. I don't have anything even vaguely interesting left to say. :)

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