Monday, January 31, 2011

Chinese New Year

Well, it's that time again...much has changed in the past year.

Honolulu had it's last celebration on Saturday, so I went with a haole boy and some of my other friends. It was a much different experience this way. I knew so much more (and my knowledge really is pathetic) of the food, the activities, the clothing, just everything than the guy I was with. It really made me realize how deeply connected I feel to the Chinese culture.

I mentioned this excursion to my dad. He laughed out loud and remarked that if I did indeed end up marrying a white boy, it would be an interracial marriage. I think he meant intercultural, but then again, he probably meant precisely what he said.

And in case you were wondering, I did let the white boy hold my hand. I'm also a creeper and happen to know his personal blog (which he may or may not know that I have access to), and yes, he did mention me...bwahahaha.

The funny part? Originally my housemate S was invited by Will (the one with the car) to go out for a night in Chinatown. So she asked that me, Emily, and haole boy would get to come too because she didn't wanna go on a date with Will. Will agreed, but said we'd have to squish in the back since he was bringing his Chinese friend, Song. That's right, we fit 6 into a four-person car. And drove for an hour. Beat that.

Well, S and Song really hit it off (poor Will). After Chinatown, we were all dropped off. 5 mins later, S lets us all know that Song has invited her to get something to eat. He picks her up in his convertible and they drive away.

And the kicker? Apparently while finishing their icecream outside the local grocery store, they saw Will. Oops.

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