Saturday, May 7, 2011


I have been living in Hawaii for two years today, but this was the first time that I have ever seen SEALS on the beach! My friend and I got there about 5 minutes before the wildlife protection services discovered that there were seals on the beach, so we were able to get really close. This all happened on Sunset Beach (one of the most boring beaches in my opinion, but aptly named for it's incredible sunsets).

After that we went to Ted's Bakery to get pie. This place is probably the most famous of all the bakeries in Oahu. Although they don't just serve dessert, they also have various (overpriced) meal items. Definitely recommended.

I also bought a car. That's right, a car. I swore I would never get one, but here I am. With a car. A real car. That drives. Yeah. Okay, so it's a 1994 Toyota, but it gets from A to B, so that's all that matters. It's also not to bad on gas. So how did I get this car? Well, I was forced. My internship is a 2.5 hr bus ride away. With a 45 minute transfer. One way. Combine that with the incredibly unreliability of the bus system here and you have a girl that needs a car. I literally spent 7 hours commuting a few weeks ago when I still didn't have a car. It was awful. But that's all in the past now. I have a car. My first real car. :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Culture Night, Krashen

Last night was a four-hour extravaganza! Every single culture club put on an 8-minute production that they've been practicing for weeks. I didn't perform, or even practice, for any of the clubs this year considering my bad experience last year with Japanese club....haha. I didn't wanna risk getting kicked out again, so I went for the safe route and just didn't even try. I'm a bit disappointed now, I think I could have learned at least some of the dances. Anyway, it was really long, my butt hurt, and I was super tired the entire time.

So today I woke up at 5am to get ready for a conference with Krashen. He's one of the most famous figures in TESOL right now having come up with one of the most prevalent concepts of language acquisition. It was really interesting, not to mention he has an impeccable sense of humor.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Not-so-friendly Reminder

Sometimes it's good to remember that when you assume, you'll eventually end up making an "ass" out of "u" and "me." Words of wisdom from yours truly. Mais c'est la vie, quel dommage, and life must go on!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Chinese New Year

Well, it's that time again...much has changed in the past year.

Honolulu had it's last celebration on Saturday, so I went with a haole boy and some of my other friends. It was a much different experience this way. I knew so much more (and my knowledge really is pathetic) of the food, the activities, the clothing, just everything than the guy I was with. It really made me realize how deeply connected I feel to the Chinese culture.

I mentioned this excursion to my dad. He laughed out loud and remarked that if I did indeed end up marrying a white boy, it would be an interracial marriage. I think he meant intercultural, but then again, he probably meant precisely what he said.

And in case you were wondering, I did let the white boy hold my hand. I'm also a creeper and happen to know his personal blog (which he may or may not know that I have access to), and yes, he did mention me...bwahahaha.

The funny part? Originally my housemate S was invited by Will (the one with the car) to go out for a night in Chinatown. So she asked that me, Emily, and haole boy would get to come too because she didn't wanna go on a date with Will. Will agreed, but said we'd have to squish in the back since he was bringing his Chinese friend, Song. That's right, we fit 6 into a four-person car. And drove for an hour. Beat that.

Well, S and Song really hit it off (poor Will). After Chinatown, we were all dropped off. 5 mins later, S lets us all know that Song has invited her to get something to eat. He picks her up in his convertible and they drive away.

And the kicker? Apparently while finishing their icecream outside the local grocery store, they saw Will. Oops.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Busy Bee

I am a masochist.

I perform much better when I am ridiculously busy. Currently, I am in either in class or at work from 8am until 8pm every day. Then I cram homework until midnight or later, then get up somewhere between 6-7am. I am super tired, my mood swings from super happy to despondent, to verge of anger every few hours. I love work, I love school, I almost love homework, 40 min lunch and dinner breaks are heaven, and I CANNOT wait until the weekend.

And yet, I did the same thing last semester and received the best grades I've gotten since 4th grade. Go figure.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Beach and Breakups

So Christmas Break was amazing. I wish I could have spent more time with my Utah friends, but being in Vegas with my fam was also priceless. The Pitbull concert for New Years wasn't half bad either. ;)

Anyway, the moment I arrive in Hawaii, all the drama I'd left behind is once again unleashed...

One of my best friends here broke up with his girl of nearly two years over the holiday. I had assumed he wanted a listening, commiserating ear, but no. He wanted to date me. I tried to explain that it was way to weird to go from just close friends to lovers in a matter of minutes, but he wasn't having any of that. It's been two weeks since he confessed his love for me and his desire to take me to the temple. School started barely two weeks ago. So, I have a new ruined friendship on my hands.

My first weekend back, two of my girls got a surfboard. So we tried to paddle from Bikini Beach to Pounders with all three of us on top of it. Needless to say, it didn't go very well. But it was a ton of fun.

The long weekend was spent at Sunset Beach, seeing The Green Hornet (hilarious), church, weekly phone-call home, homework, Surfin' Tacos, Walmart run, and work. My new job requires that I Skype with international students for 10 hours every week. It's a real pain for me to try and reschedule, especially since most of my students are in Mongolia. So I went in on Monday and spent three hours in the office alone. Of course almost half of my students didn't even show up for their appointed time...but that's okay. I sat and watched netflix during the time I had no one to talk to--don't tell the boss! haha.