Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First few days of College!!

So as many of you know, I stopped e-mailing while i was in japan because of some complications with my computer's charger...anyway, those are all fixed and I am now in Hawaii. :)

This is just gonna be a quick overview because I have done tons of things since getting here last friday. On my first day I met my roommate, shopped and unpacked, that's as far as I got with anything. On Saturday I said goodbye to awesome mom and went to the beach with my roommate, Emma (who is amazing, she lets me follow her around everywhere).

Sunday I went to church with the 16th ward (the ward Emma is in), apparently you don't get assigned to a ward unless you're attending one of the semesters (the next one is Fall). The rest of the day I spent napping, because for whatever reason, the time zone change has had a ridiculous impact on my sleeping habits. :(

Monday was my first day of school and also the day I got my TB screening shot. Then I got my Insurance Cleared (but at first the lady tried to convince me that I hadn't signed up for it...) and finally got my student id! Yay! Without that little piece of plastic, I hadn't been able to open my dorm door!

In my first class, EXS 177, I heard the people behind me speaking in Japanese. So I started talking to them (in English of course) and after awhile, the guy invited me to join Japanese club with offers free conversation classes to its members! Another yay!

Next I had Ceramics where I met a kid whose also in my EXS class, his name is Brent. At first I was thinking that we could be good friends, but then I found out that he's taken tons of classes in Ceramics and therefore has skills (I haven't taken a ceramics class in 6 years). I told him that I'd feel bad when all his projects look better than mine. lol

Afterwards I have PHSC 100 with Mark Cannon who happens to be one of Jeremy's classmates back in the day. He was really excited to meet me, I'm still trying to decide whether or not this turn of events is a good thing. In this class I also made a friend, her name is Meagan, but she's only here for Summer Semester. I'm gonna be really sad when she leaves cause she's the only person that I hang out with (other than Emma of course).

Today I only had Ceramics and I spent 2 hours overtime perfecting my pot. Ridiculous I know, but my teacher said that this is one of the hardest classes in the entire school (I thought he was kidding, but if this is the first project, he might be right...).

I spent the rest of my day doing my PHSC homework and I'm really glad that I'm not taking any other classes. I would be swamped. My homework from PHSC had only 13 questions and then 2 chapters from the textbook but it took me the better part of 3 hours to finish all of it up!

Maybe I'll get faster as I get more homework...I should have taken more than just one science class in high school. I should have taken a science class my senior year rather than my sophmore year, maybe then I wouldn't be so dumb at it. I really think that the class is interesting, I even almost enjoy the textbook, but it is SOOOOOO hard!!

Anyway, that's it for today. Tomorrow I have all 3 classes again, but on thursday I only have ceramics (not that I'll have any freetime afterwards at the rate this class is going, we have a new project due every day).

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