Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nearing the End

I really need to think of a more creative title for these updates, but I'm too lame for this one. Maybe next time..? :)

So its nearing the end of the term, in fact less than two more weeks. I can't say that I'm sorry for it to be over. It's going to be such a relief to not have Ceramics anymore. Today I finished my last clay project in that class. After tomorrow we can't make anything else because otherwise there won't be enough time to finish everything. We'll be glazing and taking tests for the rest of term.

For my last project I decided to make a teapot. That was a mistake. It was really hard. Plus, I'm not really finished. I still have to stick everything together and make a new lid. I pretty much knew that I would have a hard time doing it, but I tried anyway. My teacher said that we needed to challenge ourselves, so I did. I never want to see my teapot ever again. But it will still be there. Maybe I'll feel better about it tomorrow.

So, the novelty of the beach has pretty much worn off, I haven't been there at all in the past two weeks. I keep thinking I should get down there, but then I'd have to walk. It takes about 20 minutes to get to Temple Beach and about the same amount to find a good place on Bikini Beach. Mostly I'm just lazy.

I have, however, gone to the temple (its closed though, so I just looked at it and went into the visitor's center), visited the Bishop's Museum, been to all of the major shopping centers and saw the Honolulu Fireworks on the 4th. The fireworks were huge, they actually made me jump a couple of times from the sound (much to the delight of my friends).

The power goes out here on a pretty regular basis. Today, it kept going on and off. I took a shower and wondered why the water kept fluctuating between really, really hot and the temperature I wanted it to be...but didn't find out until I realized that my fan was off. Honestly, I never turn my fan off. Once when the power went out in the night, the fact that it wasn't on woke me up.

I am officially really bad at playing soccer. Out of all the sports, why is that the one we play the most in gym? Why not volley ball or tennis? I can actually kind of do those ones, but soccer is completely out of my league. Luckily, we're doing book work tomorrow.

One thing I've learned that's completely not school related is that mailboxes are important! Since moving here, I get mail all the time. Sure it's mostly about my new bank account and school stuff, but if I didn't have that mailbox I would be at a serious disadvantage.

I have started disliking the caf, its not that the food is gross per se. But they definitely need to get some more variety. We have chicken for 2/3 meals offered every day. As much as I like chicken, why can't we get some beef or even some fish thrown in there every once in awhile. I mean, we're surrounded by water right? Fish should be everywhere!

Really though, as many things I have to complain about, I actually love being here. Going to college, even with the classes, is really fun. At the end of the day, I realize that i haven't actually done anything, but somehow I really enjoyed myself anyway. Maybe I am turning into a low-key, relaxed Hawaiian after all. :)