Monday, February 23, 2009

First Post and The Annoyance

I'm not sure that my first post should be centered around the person I most dislike. However, I have a savage nature and must vent.

To begin, I run a carpool for my mother. Basically, my neighbor takes her 3 kids and my brother to school in the morning, and I pick them up after school. I liked this setup as I tend to sleep in well past 9 (kids have to be to school by at least 8:30).

Now, the two girls that I drive are very well behaved and--beside complaining about the dumb boys at school--polite. However, the boy (whom I will refer to as The Annoyance) drives me nuts.

I like the heater on while driving in february, I would assume most people do. I prefer not to freeze while waiting for the four kids to jump into the car. Unfortunately, The Annoyance is taller and has longer legs than the others and almost always makes it to the car first. He gets in, complains about the state of the carpet and then vegetates for about 5 minutes. It's like he's in a coma.

Then, without fail, he will complain about the heat. By this time, everyone else is in the car and ready to go. I say, as nicely as possible, "Maybe you should take your coat off." Then a one-sided argument ensues on why he should definitely not take his coat off. Sigh. I have to lock the windows or he will roll them down. Even if it's a blizzard outside. Sometimes, my brother reminds me to lock them, so its not just me that finds his antics annoying.

Upon one occasion, The Annoyance jumped into the car as usual, but instead of complaining about the candy wrapper on the floor, exclaimed that there were coins on the floor!! In his excitement he scooped them all up and then claimed "finders=keepers."

Had this been anyone else, I wouldn't have cared. But of course it was my arch nemesis stealing from me, so I cared. A lot. I tried to explain that the rule does not apply when in someone's car. It just doesn't. Just like you can't claim finders keepers in someone's house.

In the end, I guilted him into putting the 89 cents down, but it took most of the ten minute drive home. And help from his sisters. He's going to give me an ulcer I swear.

But, luckily, The Annoyance is off track!! This means that I don't have to drive any of the kids home for the next two weeks! Huzzah!!